The following section outlines results across the 14 countries that were actively supported by UN-REDD in 2019 through technical assistance and national programmes. A “traffic light” colour code is used to give a snapshot of progress in each country against the two delivery-support mechanisms the Programme used in 2019, namely technical assistance (TA, comprising technical assistance provided to ongoing national programmes and technical assistance for REDD+ implementation) and national programmes (NP).
Each country has identified the type of support received from UN-REDD and the status of implementation. In the case of multiple types of support, each is listed separately. Under the traffic light system, the implementation status of each type of support is identified as follows:
- Completed: All activities have been completed in 2019; the programme is pending closure or closed.
- On track: All activities are under way in accordance with the 2019 annual workplan.
- Delayed: Activities have been delayed. The cause of the delay and solutions to ensure the programme’s successful completion are briefly outlined in the “Challenges and solutions” section.
- NS/AP: National REDD+ Strategy or Action Plan
- FREL/FRL: Forest Reference Emission Level/ Forest Reference Leve
- NFMS: National Forest Monitoring System(s)
- SIS: Safeguard Information System(s)