Financial Performance, National Programme

Several measures of the national REDD+ strategy (ENCCRV) were assessed for implementation through the field testing of new sustainable models for forest management that can be replicated and scaled up.
The first REDD+ technical annex was revised by the UNFCCC secretariat. REDD+ emission reductions were confirmed.
Progress was made in the integration and harmonization of the cadastre and evaluation of vegetation resources of Chile project, the national inventory of greenhouse gas emissions, the NFI and the wood energy inventory.
An operational module is currently under development, including the design of the national modules and indicators.
REDD+ Implementation
UN-REDD and other international cooperation funds, including FCPF, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and GEF, collaborated during 2019 to support Chile to mobilize $63.3 million from GCF for REDD+ results obtained in the period 2014–2016. Those resources will be channelled to support six regions in the country (Maule, Biobio, Ñuble, Araucania, Los Rios and Los Lagos), where native species will be planted across 7,688 hectares, a total of 4,271 hectares of native forest that have disappeared or been degraded will be restored, sustainable management will be implemented across 9,738 hectares of native forest, and silvicultural preventive actions will be promoted across 3,888 hectares.
With UN-REDD support, the implementation of four new models of forest management continued to test novel approaches to sustainable forest management and ecological restoration in diverse landscapes of the Coquimbo, Metropolitan, Araucania and Magallanes regions. The results of these pilot initiatives will inform the implementation of the REDD+ strategy at the regional level and eventually at the national scale.
Challenges and Solutions
Chile’s national programme encountered challenges relating to social inclusion and safeguard implementation in 2019. To overcome those challenges, UNREDD supported the establishment of a permanent participatory process that was free, informed and respectful, and that incorporated all the cultural aspects relevant to the communities concerned. Steps were also taken to incorporate the traditional activities of women in the ecological restoration processes. In order to ensure the appropriate inclusion of safeguards in the implementation of activities, UN-REDD provided technical backstopping on environmental and social safeguards. In addition, significant effort was made to disseminate and raise awareness of the tools set out in the ENCCRV for environmental and social frameworks.
Gender and Social Inclusion
The Chile national programme made progress on several fronts with regard to gender and social inclusion in 2019. A major achievement relating to the implementation of pilot approaches for forest management was the incorporation of farming women from the Ovalle commune in the process of ecological restoration in Cerro Blanco. A group of women were included in the formulation and design of the project and were offered scheduling flexibility during the implementation phase so as to mitigate the effect of their absence from their household, thereby reducing the risk of them abandoning the project. The hill where they worked was once known as the “Hill of shame”. Today, thanks to their efforts, the community now calls it the “Hill of hope”. As a result of this success, Chile is working on ways to replicate and scale up this experience and promote financial incentives for women to participate in environmental restoration processes.
The implementation of pilot approaches for sustainable forest management included workshops and meetings with traditional authorities to address relevant cultural aspects that were prioritized by communities in the actions taking place in their areas. One important achievement was the participatory process led by the Quinquén community resulting in the design of a payment for ecosystem services scheme, which is expected to be implemented in 2020.
Thanks to the contribution from UNREDD, Chile is eligible for results-based payments. The National Forest Corporation (CONAF) made progress in building capacities to seek international financing to implement the ENCCRV. The country’s results-based payments phase is expected to begin in 2021 with GCF funds, comprising payment for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions generated during the period 2014–2016, and continue thereafter in 2023 with funds from the FCPF Emissions Reductions Payment Agreement, comprising payment for such reductions in 2018.
Linkages to SDGs
Implementation of the ENCCRV contributes directly to SDGs 13 (climate action) and 15 (life on land) and indirectly to SDGs 6 (Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all), 8 (Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and work for all) and 12 (sustainable consumption and production).