

In 2019, Indonesia underwent a successful technical assessment of its BUR technical annex, containing REDD+ results. Based on those results, Indonesia submitted a GCF REDD+ results-based payments funding proposal, with UNDP as the accredited entity. In addition, UNREDD has been supporting Indonesia’s progress from readiness to achieving an agreement for results-based payments with Norway for the first time in 2019.


UN-REDD has continued to work on developing capacity on high-level aspects, such as FREL, through a regional FREL knowledge exchange workshop, and providing technical advice and options for the subnational disaggregation of FREL results. In 2019, UN-REDD supported the completion of a national assessment of forest cover and forest cover changes, which was carried out by 37 staff from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry over the course of a week using the FAO Collect Earth Online tool, with 18,000 samples collected, providing an example of rapid MRV and accuracy assessment that can assist in calculating emission reductions from deforestation.

With UN-REDD support, Indonesia has been mainstreaming sustainable peatland management nationally, and inspiring others to act globally through multilateral and South-South collaboration linked to the Global Peatlands Initiative. Indonesia, the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Peru are partners of the International Tropical Peatlands Centre.

Challenges and Solutions

Local elections to elect regional heads across the country in 2020 may result in delays in or deferral of the institutionalization of integrated fire management at the subnational level. The Minister of Finance’s Decree No. 779/KMK. O5/2019 on the establishment of the Environmental Fund Management Body was released in October 2019. The Body is not, however, expected to be fully staffed and operational until 2020.

Gender and Social Inclusion

UN-REDD ensures that at least 30 per cent of participants in its interventions are women, including with regard to fire risk systems, NFMS and community-based fire brigade training. At least 30 per cent of participants in fire cluster management are women.

Gender analysis produced for UN-REDD for the period 2010–2012 informed the development of the gender assessment and action plan for the GCF REDD+ results-based payments funding proposal. Lessons learned from UN-REDD experience with regard to indigenous peoples and civil society engagement over the same period informed the environmental and social assessment of the GCF REDD+ results-based payments funding proposal.

Moreover, the participation of local communities and indigenous groups was replicated during alternative livelihood interventions and the fire cluster formulation, as highlighted during a joint media visit by UN-REDD, the Centre for International Forestry Research and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.


UN-REDD and the Centre for International Forestry Research collaborated on media coverage of UN-REDD results and the work of the International Tropical Peatlands Centre. A webinar and successful study tour for 12 South-East Asian journalists on REDD+ actions and the importance of peatlands significantly raised awareness of REDD+ and the role of forests and peatlands as natural climate solutions, including through a number of newspaper and TV articles.

UN-REDD strengthened its technical support to the Peatland Restoration Agency for the assessment of degraded small peat islands in Riau.

FAO has worked with the World Bank FCPF and BioCarbon Fund on the consistency of REDD+ approaches. UNDP is coordinating closely with the Embassy of Norway and the World Bank to ensure that the Environmental Fund Management Body will meet international fiduciary and operational standards.

Linkages to SDGs

Progress was made towards the SDGs, in particular SDG 13 (climate action), with the establishment of the Environmental Fund Management Body for Indonesia.

This report is made possible through support from Denmark, Japan, Luxembourg, Norway, Spain, Switzerland and the European Union.