
Financial Performance, National Programme



In 2019, UN-REDD support focused on assisting the Government to set up a framework to implement the national strategy on forests and climate change (ENBCC) of Peru. This included: (i) five participatory workshops on action plans to facilitate the implementation of Peru´s ENBCC; (ii) definition of the role of community-based forest management technical units to strengthen local forest governance; (iii) development of a capacity-building programme on climate change, forests, ENBCC and NDCs; (iv) identification of prioritized policies, actions and measures at the regional level towards the implementation of the country’s ENBCC/REDD+/NDC; and (v) identification of opportunities to develop an investment portfolio that contributes to the implementation of the country’s ENBCC/REDD+/NDC.


A technical subcommittee set up to guide the integration of degradation data into the Peru FREL started assessing potential methodologies. Technical capacities were enhanced at the Ministry of Environment (MINAM) and the National Forest and Wild Fauna Service (SERFOR) through four technical workshops to develop methodologies with the application of tools such as Google Earth Engine and SEPAL, to estimate emissions from forest degradation and secondary forests. A webinar to exchange experiences on the integration of degradation data into the FREL was developed, with participants from Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico, and Peru.


Technical support was provided to 12 indigenous peoples’ organizations to improve their capacity to integrate the indigenous-MRV approach into the NFMS of Peru. This capacity-building exercise was conducted based on needs identified in 2018. A technical subcommittee for the integration of the indigenous-MRV approach into the NFMS was set up, and a road map was approved. Pilot community-based forest monitoring efforts started in 48 communities in the Peruvian Amazon.


Progress was achieved on different elements of the national safeguards approach, including refining the national safeguards interpretation, consolidating the process to define REDD+ actions, and developing an advanced draft of the summary of information, all of which are being used to inform the SIS design.

REDD+ Implementation

UN-REDD contributed to advancing the following elements of REDD+ implementation: contribution of technical inputs (review of governance structure and analysis of commitments by Peru to reduce deforestation) to forest policy instruments; contribution to the final design of the project that will execute the phase II funding of the joint declaration of intent between Peru, Norway and Germany (JDI); provision of guidance for national discussions on zero-deforestation agriculture; development of an annotated template for JDI phase II deliverable (b); provision of inputs to define a common monitoring and reporting framework for the country’s ENBCC and the JDI; and for the definition of a REDD+ national financial structure.

The process to develop a grievance and recourse mechanism for Peru received technical inputs that were informed by an analysis of the example of the San Martin regional government´s system for attending to citizen’ enquiries. The definition of a nesting approach received technical inputs using an open dialogue with voluntary market REDD+ project developers. In addition, an annotated template for the REDD+ technical annex was provided to MINAM, and technical inputs were provided on the technical approach of the Peruvian FREL. Technical support was provided to improve the greenhouse gas inventory and to use spatial modelling for REDD+ planning to help prioritize actions and areas for REDD+ implementation, including through a webinar, meetings and discussions with the Government and the national subcommittee on degradation. Regarding private sector engagement, technical assistance was provided to the National Federation of Savings and Credit Cooperatives of Peru (FENACREP) on sustainable commodity production. Two events were organized for the managers of key cooperatives with a high operational footprint in the agricultural sector on sustainable finance as it is related to commodity production. Analysis was initiated to identify key gaps in sustainable finance as it relates to agricultural financing for both banks and non-bank financial institutions.

Challenges and Solutions

Most challenges encountered in 2019 related to the evolving dynamic of priorities and political views on forests and climate change in Peru, including: (i) the need for permanent adjustment of technical assistance priorities; (ii) delays in the release of inputs from the Government that are necessary for delivery; (iii) delays in planned activities caused by changes in focal points in Government entities and changes of indigenous leaders.

Regular interaction with Government counterparts resulted in the timely adjustment of priorities and approaches to accommodate delivery. The Government of Peru, in coordination with UN-REDD advisors and interested stakeholders, drafted a workplan for technical assistance in 2020, taking into consideration the evolving dynamics described above, including the continuation of some lines of work from 2019 to 2020.

Gender and Social Inclusion

The gender responsive elements that were integrated in the design of the Peru national programme have been implemented. In addition to capturing sex-disaggregated data for all consultation and capacity-building events and dialogues, specific actions were undertaken to secure the balanced participation of men and women and to promote an environment that facilitates the participation of women. For example, at meetings in the Amazon to discuss agendas and plans to implement the Peruvian ENBCC or to design the capacity-building programme on REDD+ and the ENBCC, priority was given to women to provide their views, in addition to offering additional preparatory spaces for women prior to dialogues and participatory meetings. When selecting communities to pilot the community-based forest management technical units, priority was given to units that included women, and dialogues among women representatives were promoted to present their experiences and encourage their participation. Capacity-building and communication materials included specific examples and sections on gender. The gender focal points at MINAM and the UNDP country office have been actively participating in the implementation of national programme actions mentioned above.

The intention of the Government of Peru to maintain an open dialogue with relevant stakeholders was reinforced. The space defined for that purpose, named “Dialoguemos”, was used as the main platform to discuss issues related to the support of UN-REDD. The UN-REDD national programme of Peru continued to make efforts to ensure the participation of relevant stakeholders in the implementation of its activities. At least 3 outputs of the national programme are specifically targeted to work with indigenous peoples.


The delivery of UN-REDD technical assistance provided an opportunity to continue promoting synergies among all the interrelated forest and climate change initiatives in Peru while ensuring their alignment with the ENBCC and JDI objectives. Among the main initiatives and programmes that are complementary to the Peruvian national programme actions are the FCPF readiness programme, the USAID forest programme, and the GEF Amazon Sustainable Landscape Programme. The work of the GCFTF in the Peruvian Amazon was taken into account when supporting sub-national governments to prioritize policies, actions and measures for the implementation of the ENBCC.

Linkages to SDGs

UN-REDD contributed to SDG 5 (gender equality) through efforts to ensure the effective participation and engagement of women in all the participatory processes and dialogue spaces promoted by the national programme, and in capacity-building events. It contributed to SDG 13 (climate action) through the actions related to developing and adjusting national and subnational multi-stakeholder platform agendas and subnational government prioritization of policies, actions and measures, as well as through the enhancement of data management to assess forest degradation emissions. It also contributed to SDG 15 (life on land) through the work on promoting the creation of community-based forest management technical units, capacity-building for indigenous communities on forest monitoring and reporting, and supporting the implementation of the JDI financial resources.

This report is made possible through support from Denmark, Japan, Luxembourg, Norway, Spain, Switzerland and the European Union.